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Shipping & Returns

Shipping Policies

It is requested that at the time of delivery of your product the customer is at the place of delivery, in case of being there must be a person at home to receive the product with an image of the identification of the person who invoiced.


They will be sent as follows


1. locally sent them will have a time limit of 1-2 business days for the customer to receive their product

2. At the national level, they could take 2-5 business days for the person to receive your product.

Return and Exchange Policy

Returns  and changes may be made within a month since the customer receives the product and will only be made if:


1.The product has manufacturing defects for which a technical review will be submitted.


2. Have the product invoice.


3. The product must keep its packaging and be in optimal conditions.


Failure to comply with the aforementioned will not proceed with the exchange or refund.

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